18 // MALAYSIAN // Space to nag

Monday, April 16, 2012

A bestfriend's glory

On 14th April, my school had Hari Anugerah Cemerlang. So, i were participate. And all my bestfriends too! We shared the day. Oh maaaaaan, its a bestfriend's-glory-day! Cool yeah starts with le 6A's me, Jia and Wana. Followed by 7A's Anis and Ekin. With the straight A's Myo :p

And it ends when ustazah treats all of us a lunch. Well well well, PMR is the best memory ever in my life for now on. Since Myo and Jia move to new school, i hope they will keep this as one of the sweetest memories in their life. I hope so, we could retain our glory for the SPM, next year. Love you dolls

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