18 // MALAYSIAN // Space to nag

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Dia kan kalau orang tengah crush-ing memang tak boleh lari sengih sorang-2. Pipi aku kebas. Boleh caye ? Ape ape ajelah

Twitter, aku memang betul-2 sayaaaang kat kau. Aduhai, memang the best. Kau yang bengol-2 memang rase bosan if tak tahu what's the concept. Cehh, tak payah nak prof sangat lah ye Waa -.- Meluat tengok. Separuh dari diri aku is Belieber <3 Watafak ! Neh semue semenjak dengan Vampire. Puki lahai

The story flow when my friend own his happiness after I give him so many advice. He Imma heart breaker. Kesian tuh memang rase macam nak campak half of my spirit to him. But that was and now everything's gonna be alright. Let smile like this

Don't f-a-k-e it. Be true. Ai El Ou Yu Vi Ew In-Yaz Um Mir Ir :)


Thira said...

kau semakin hebat menulis <33

Wawa//16 said...

Tk sehebat kau